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Mike Wallner's Blog:
Sep 19, 2006 @ 15:07:07

Mike Wallner has an update posted about the development of the pecl/http package.

I recently implemented an interface to the curl-share functionality in form of an HttpRequestDataShare class.

He includes the data that the Reflection API would give for this new functionality and how it can be used to make name lookups simple.

tagged: httprequestdatashare pecl http package reflection httprequestdatashare pecl http package reflection


Mike Wallner's Blog:
Sep 19, 2006 @ 15:07:07

Mike Wallner has an update posted about the development of the pecl/http package.

I recently implemented an interface to the curl-share functionality in form of an HttpRequestDataShare class.

He includes the data that the Reflection API would give for this new functionality and how it can be used to make name lookups simple.

tagged: httprequestdatashare pecl http package reflection httprequestdatashare pecl http package reflection


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