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Site News:
Opinions on the Job Postings
Aug 14, 2008 @ 19:25:54

I just wanted to take a second and get some opinions from the readers out there around the job postings that this site has been doing for a while now. They've become more popular in the recent months and I'm concerned that they might be "interrupting the flow" of the news around them.

I wanted to get your thoughts on them and on an idea I'm considering - splitting them off into their own sub-site sort of thing. Right now, you can go to jobs.phpdeveloper.org and get to the latest job postings without the news items. Do you, opinionated readers, think that they should stay over there and not be included with the news? Or do you like having them all in one place, all in one feed?

Post your opinions in the comments - I'll be interested to see what you think...

UPDATE: Several people in the comments have mentioned it, but I wanted to point out one option on the RSS feed - the filtering I have built in. It's tag based, so if you didn't want the job posts in there, you could subscribe to this feed: http://phpdeveloper.org/feed/tag/-job-post. That filters out the job posts for you. It wouldn't be hard to translate this into another "jobless" feed.

tagged: jobpostings opinion sitenews jobs feed separation


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