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PHP Coding Standards - Laying Down the Law
Sep 20, 2006 @ 21:11:23

On the PHPKitchen site today, Demian Turner looks at a handy utility to ensure that the coding standards in your documents are all passable - PHP_CodeSniffer.

There was a fantastic CS helper package released at PEAR this week, PHP_CodeSniffer. The package, which requires PHP5 and is nicely coded, puts a phpcs script in your path so you can pass files or directories to it to get your CS validated.

The results are detailed and processing is surprisingly fast considering how many tokens are being parsed.

Demian gives an example of what the validation process looks like and why he finds the entire package particularly useful.

tagged: coding standards law pear package php_codesniffer validate coding standards law pear package php_codesniffer validate


PHP Coding Standards - Laying Down the Law
Sep 20, 2006 @ 21:11:23

On the PHPKitchen site today, Demian Turner looks at a handy utility to ensure that the coding standards in your documents are all passable - PHP_CodeSniffer.

There was a fantastic CS helper package released at PEAR this week, PHP_CodeSniffer. The package, which requires PHP5 and is nicely coded, puts a phpcs script in your path so you can pass files or directories to it to get your CS validated.

The results are detailed and processing is surprisingly fast considering how many tokens are being parsed.

Demian gives an example of what the validation process looks like and why he finds the entire package particularly useful.

tagged: coding standards law pear package php_codesniffer validate coding standards law pear package php_codesniffer validate


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