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PHP-GTK Community Site:
Building a submenu in a GtkMenubar
Dec 06, 2006 @ 14:55:00

The PHP-GTK Community site is back again today with another quick tutorial showing how to build a submenu with the help of the GtkMenubar widget.

It's broken us into the key sections - details, a visual tree of the structure, the logic tree and relationships, and, finally the source code. It's a pretty simple process of creating the menu and appending the elements onto it, much like a normal drop down menu. The key is in the set_submenu function, creating a new object for the code to append the submenu elements to. The rest is just simple appends.

They've also included a screenshot to illustrate the end result.

tagged: submenu gtkmenubar tutorial visual tree logical relationships submenu gtkmenubar tutorial visual tree logical relationships


PHP-GTK Community Site:
Building a submenu in a GtkMenubar
Dec 06, 2006 @ 14:55:00

The PHP-GTK Community site is back again today with another quick tutorial showing how to build a submenu with the help of the GtkMenubar widget.

It's broken us into the key sections - details, a visual tree of the structure, the logic tree and relationships, and, finally the source code. It's a pretty simple process of creating the menu and appending the elements onto it, much like a normal drop down menu. The key is in the set_submenu function, creating a new object for the code to append the submenu elements to. The rest is just simple appends.

They've also included a screenshot to illustrate the end result.

tagged: submenu gtkmenubar tutorial visual tree logical relationships submenu gtkmenubar tutorial visual tree logical relationships


Chris Shiflett's Blog:
PHP Security and SABSA
Feb 01, 2006 @ 12:41:59

In his latest post, Chris Shiflett links to more information from Andrew van der Stock about his proposed PHP security architecture.

Andrew van der Stock has started providing more details about a proposed security architecture for PHP, beginning with the SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture) approach. This approach is broken down into layers:

  • Contextual
  • Conceptual
  • Logical
  • Physical
  • Component
He describes each of these layers and how they relate to PHP, and he also hints that more details are coming.

Andrew's post, a follow-up from previous posts, maps out the structure above visually, and provides this link to a book published dealing with a business-driven security approach...

tagged: security SABSA contextual conceptual logical physical component security SABSA contextual conceptual logical physical component


Chris Shiflett's Blog:
PHP Security and SABSA
Feb 01, 2006 @ 12:41:59

In his latest post, Chris Shiflett links to more information from Andrew van der Stock about his proposed PHP security architecture.

Andrew van der Stock has started providing more details about a proposed security architecture for PHP, beginning with the SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture) approach. This approach is broken down into layers:

  • Contextual
  • Conceptual
  • Logical
  • Physical
  • Component
He describes each of these layers and how they relate to PHP, and he also hints that more details are coming.

Andrew's post, a follow-up from previous posts, maps out the structure above visually, and provides this link to a book published dealing with a business-driven security approach...

tagged: security SABSA contextual conceptual logical physical component security SABSA contextual conceptual logical physical component


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