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Matt Stauffer:
Update to queue workers in Laravel 5.3
Dec 21, 2016 @ 15:47:38

Continuing his series about new functionality in Laravel v5.3 Matt Stauffer has posted this quick article covering updates to the queue worker functionality.

Queues are one of those tools in Laravel that everyone knows is there, but very few people understand deeply. It's understandable--Laravel is often the first place folks have run into queues, and to be honest, they're not simple.

Thankfully, very little has changed on a user-facing front with regard to how queues work in Laravel 5.3.

One of the main updates is that the "listen" command is now "work" and the action then runs as a daemon by default instead of requiring the command to be long-running. He talks about the difference in this shift and how something like Supervisor can now be used to manage the daemon (including some documentation specific to Laravel). He finishes the post looking at what has changed "under the hood" and the benefits the changes bring.

tagged: laravel v53 update feature queue worker daemon series part16

Link: https://mattstauffer.co/blog/update-to-queue-workers-in-laravel-5-3

Matt Stauffer:
Laravel 5.0 - Generating Missing Events
Jan 28, 2015 @ 17:53:39

In the next part of his series introducing the upcoming version of the Laravel framework Matt Stauffer has posted part 16, about generating missing events.

Sometimes it can seem like a lot of work to create an event, create its handler, and bind the two. Create a command, create its handler, bind the two. I've often wished for a workflow that handled the whole process together in one. The artisan commands for generating commands and events are a good start--they both create their own entity and (optionally) its handler. But you still can spend an hour writing the command and handler, and then waste another 15 minutes trying to figure out why it's not working, only to realize you never actually bound the two together.

The solution to this in Laravel 5 is the "event:generate" handling with the artisan command line tool. He includes a look at the event handlers directories and files before executing the command and what changes post-execution, including the sample code generated for the event.

tagged: generate missing event tutorial part16 series laravel5

Link: http://mattstauffer.co/blog/laravel-5.0-generating-missing-events

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