Phil Sturgeon has put out a call for volunteers about running some benchmarks on the wide range of PHP frameworks out there. He wants set up a "Benchamrks 2011" event that gives all of the frameworks their fair share at putting up good numbers in their most optimized fashion.
Yesterday Dan Horrigan (another PHP framework user and developer) suggested we all have a go at "Benchmark 2011". A chance for every framework developer or interested party to take their framework of choice, make a hello world and post it up online for a fair and factual survey of how many requests per second the base of the framework can handle without APC, etc. [...] This is not a new idea and it is certianly not meant to be an all encompasing comparison of framework features. The logic here is the same as testing the speed of server software such as Apache vrs Nginx.
He's included some rules to follow in creating your examples including the use of the latest release of the frameworks, no modification to the core framework files is allowed and you must create a publicly accessible repository with the example's files. If you're interested in participating, you can create your example and tweet about it with the "#benchmark2011" hashtag or just post about it in the comments.