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Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
PDV -> VIP, now on github!
Feb 16, 2010 @ 15:17:02

Tobias Schlitt has a quick post to his blog about the release of the phpDocumentor for VIM project he's been working on over to github.

phpDocumentor for VIM (PDV) is a project which resulted from my efforts to create a comfortable programming environment for PHP in the VIM editor. Since the server which hosted the SVN repository is to be switched off the next days, I finally moved development over to github. In addition to that, I seized the chance to rename the project itself to VIP (VIM integration for PHP).

There's a few other goodies in the repository besides just the VIP tool. You can grab some (or all) of the code by following the instructions given on the github page.

tagged: pdv vip phpdocumentor vim editor github


Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
Comfortable PHP editing with VIM -5-
Aug 23, 2006 @ 14:55:06

Tobias Schlitt has picked by up his "comfortable PHP editing in VIM" series today with this lengthy post with loads of helpful VIM tips to share with PHP developers everywhere.

More than a half year after my last "Comfortable PHP editing with VIM" post, I take up this series again, although I decided to let it die in January. Sadly I did not find any time by now, to extend PDV (the PHP Documentor for VIM plugin) further than it's version 1.0.1, which is available through vim.org and on my SVN. Anyway, I collected a lot of (at least for me) helpful VIM tips, which I'd like to share here

The post contains tons of tips on subjects such as:

  • Find matching brace
  • Indenting and unindeting
  • Emergency help
  • Macros
and many more. For each subject, there's an explaination of a situation you might need it in and, of course, the tip itself. He also links to the earlier parts of the series (one through four) for those wanting to catch up.

tagged: vim easy edit pdv comfortable matching recover regex commands vim easy edit pdv comfortable matching recover regex commands


Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
Comfortable PHP editing with VIM -5-
Aug 23, 2006 @ 14:55:06

Tobias Schlitt has picked by up his "comfortable PHP editing in VIM" series today with this lengthy post with loads of helpful VIM tips to share with PHP developers everywhere.

More than a half year after my last "Comfortable PHP editing with VIM" post, I take up this series again, although I decided to let it die in January. Sadly I did not find any time by now, to extend PDV (the PHP Documentor for VIM plugin) further than it's version 1.0.1, which is available through vim.org and on my SVN. Anyway, I collected a lot of (at least for me) helpful VIM tips, which I'd like to share here

The post contains tons of tips on subjects such as:

  • Find matching brace
  • Indenting and unindeting
  • Emergency help
  • Macros
and many more. For each subject, there's an explaination of a situation you might need it in and, of course, the tip itself. He also links to the earlier parts of the series (one through four) for those wanting to catch up.

tagged: vim easy edit pdv comfortable matching recover regex commands vim easy edit pdv comfortable matching recover regex commands


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