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Community News:
The PHOCOA PHP Framework
Nov 23, 2005 @ 12:10:37

Via the del.icio.us feeds today, there's a lot of buzz going around about the PHPOCOA PHP Framework, a new framework offering (since Oct 2005, sitll in beta) for the community.

PHOCOA (pronounced faux-ko) is a web application framework for PHP. It is an object-oriented, event-driven, componentized, MVC (model-view-controller) framework inspired by Apple's Cocoa and WebObjects technologies.

PHOCOA's primary intent is to make developing web applications in PHP easier, faster, and higher-quality. The framework handles most of the "dirty work" of web application development by providing infrastructure for all of the common tasks. Most of your time writing PHOCOA apps will be spent designing your GUI and writing application-specific logic rather than dealing with form data, database calls, etc.

While it's targeted at the folks used ot Cocoa and the like, it still looks like it'll turn out a nice, reobust framework. And, of course, they also have tools for download that work with OS X for development...

tagged: phpocoa framework cocoa webobjects phpocoa framework cocoa webobjects


Community News:
The PHOCOA PHP Framework
Nov 23, 2005 @ 12:10:37

Via the del.icio.us feeds today, there's a lot of buzz going around about the PHPOCOA PHP Framework, a new framework offering (since Oct 2005, sitll in beta) for the community.

PHOCOA (pronounced faux-ko) is a web application framework for PHP. It is an object-oriented, event-driven, componentized, MVC (model-view-controller) framework inspired by Apple's Cocoa and WebObjects technologies.

PHOCOA's primary intent is to make developing web applications in PHP easier, faster, and higher-quality. The framework handles most of the "dirty work" of web application development by providing infrastructure for all of the common tasks. Most of your time writing PHOCOA apps will be spent designing your GUI and writing application-specific logic rather than dealing with form data, database calls, etc.

While it's targeted at the folks used ot Cocoa and the like, it still looks like it'll turn out a nice, reobust framework. And, of course, they also have tools for download that work with OS X for development...

tagged: phpocoa framework cocoa webobjects phpocoa framework cocoa webobjects


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