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That Podcast:
Episode 20: The one where we don't really prefer this over that
Jun 29, 2015 @ 13:16:04

That Podcast, hosted by PHP community members Beau Simensen and Dave Marshall has posted their latest episode: Episode #20, The one where we don't really prefer this over that.

Beau and Dave get in to PSR-7 and how we might be doing middlewares, framework or no framework, container PSR or not and a whole bunch of other stuff as usual.

Other topics mentioned in this episode include: Gun.io, Yuml.me, the MySQL workbench and Homebrew. There's also several mentions of other community members including Jeremy Lindblom, Brian Fenton, Erica Heidi and Dustin Wheeler. You can listen to this latest episode either using the in-page player or by downloading the mp3 directly. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed too!

tagged: thatpodcast ep20 podcast beausimensen davemarshall prefer

Link: https://thatpodcast.io/episodes/episode-20-the-one-where-we-don-t-really-prefer-this-over-that

SWAT Blog:
Python VS PHP
Jul 08, 2011 @ 13:53:25

On the SWAT blog there's a recent post comparing Python and PHP and some of the reasons the author prefers the former over the latter.

Even after just one week using Python, I remember why I’ll always prefer it – it empowers me as a programmer. In the Python community, they refer to it as the “batteries included” philosophy – with the mere inclusion of a library, anything becomes possible. Combine that with clean and readable syntax, fluent interfaces, powerful list comprehensions, list slicing, an interactive console, and too many other features to mention, it’s clear to see why.

He illustrates one of the differences between the two languages in the handling of things as objects versus strings. He recommends developers at least take a look at Python as an alternative to some of the usual PHP you might be used to.

tagged: python compare prefer opinion


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