Time are getting tough out there - a recession is coming around and companies all over are feeling the impact. People are looking for places to save money without having to compromise on functionality and quality. Larger numbers are turning to Open Source communities to provide solutions to fill that gap. Stefan Koopmanschap looks at this trend in his most recent blog post.
As we all know by now, we're living in times of crisis. A recession is hitting us, and it's hitting us hard. Even here in The Netherlands, where at first it seemed we'd be avoiding the biggest hit, we're now getting reports that the recession is the biggest since WWII. The crisis seems to be hitting bigtime in many places. So how does it affect open source and PHP?
Stefan talks about Enterprise resources and their shift in needs away from the "vanity projects" and more into the day-to-day, stable clients. Open Source is giving them a bit of that "fun" back in and allowing them to do more with less - little to no licensing, no vendor lockdown, etc.