On the ThinkPHP blog today, bjoern has posted some of his opinions about Scrum, a programming methodology, and its use in the PHP world.
You may have heard about Agile Programming, eXtreme Programming and the like. I want to introduce to you Scrum, which is "an agile, lightweight process that can be used to manage and control software and product development using iterative, incremental practices.". Not only big companies are using this toolset, but also some smaller ones, including us at Mayflower GmbH.
He lists out some of the main attributes that Scrum is defined by, including:
- Scrum is a wrapper for existing engineering practices.
- Scrum is a process that controls the chaos of conflicting interests and needs.
- Scrum is a way to maximize productivity.
- Scrum is a way for everyone to feel good about their job, their contributions, and that they have done the very best they possibly could.
He's also given a workshop on the subject, and you can find the PDF slides here.