On PHPMaster.com today there's a new tutorial for the Twig templating users out there showing you how to extend your templates via inheritance, filters and functions - all abilities already built in to the tool.
When working within an MVC architecture, it’s common to use a template library to populate the dynamic content of our views. There are dozens of such libraries available for PHP, but Twig is one of the standouts because of the ability to extend core features with custom implementations. In this article we’ll explore how Twig templates can be extended using template inheritance, filters, and functions.
He starts first with some of the common limitations of templating frameworks (extension) and how Twig gets around this. He shows the use of the "extends" keyword and the "block"/"endblock" for splitting up the page into reusable chunks. He also shows how to use filters and functions in your Twig tags, allowing for more customized content and functionality for your output.