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AboutPerformance Blog:
How to Spruce up your Evolved PHP Application - Part 2
Aug 08, 2014 @ 15:57:51

On the About:Performance site today there's a new post (part two in the series, part one is here) about increasing the performance in your PHP application. In this new post he talks about a few other updates that can be made to make your app fly.

In the first part of my blog I covered the data side of the tuning process on my homegrown PHP application Spelix: database issues, caching on both the server and the client. [...] In this part, I will concentrate more on technical topics: network traffic, code caching and session handling.

The post shares helpful tips and code examples showing how to:

  • Reduce Network Traffic
  • Leverage Browser / CDN cache
  • Use Conditional and Non-Conditional Caching
  • Using the HTML5 Application Cache
  • Optimize Session Handling

He does suggest the use of a commercial tool for a more in-depth analysis, but there's nothing here that it's required for. A little poking around in your browser can yield most of the same results.

tagged: application performance tips traffic cdn cache session optimize

Link: http://apmblog.compuware.com/2014/08/06/spruce-evolved-php-application-part-2/

Ibuildings techPortal:
Surviving a Plane Crash
Feb 16, 2010 @ 18:05:37

The Ibuildings techPortal has posted the latest episode of their Dutch PHP Conference 2009 podcast series, a session given by Peter Verhage on handling the ups and downs of server loads and traffic.

NU.nl is a well known news website in its homeland, The Netherlands, and is actively expanding into other countries. On an average day NU.nl will serve up 7 million page views; peak traffic days are more than triple that number. [...] In this [episode] we want to look at the front end that we architected for NU.nl, and how we designed the system to handle both regular traffic and peaks.

To listen you can either use the in-page player or you can grab the mp3 directly.

tagged: dpc09 podcast session peterverhage load traffic


Jonathan Street's Blog:
PHP5 Compete API Wrapper
Jul 02, 2007 @ 14:33:00

Jonathan Street has officially released his version of a Complete API (for Complete.com) to grab traffic information for a particular site.

With the exception of a link from the homepage, which is apparently in the works, Compete has made good on the points I raised so it's time for me to fulfil my part of the deal and release a PHP5 wrapper for the compete API.

The wrapper is simple at this point, only containing only a few methods to make the connection with Complete.com, generate the query and pull out one of three bits of information (including the traffic).

tagged: php5 wrapper completecom website traffic api php5 wrapper completecom website traffic api


Jonathan Street's Blog:
PHP5 Compete API Wrapper
Jul 02, 2007 @ 14:33:00

Jonathan Street has officially released his version of a Complete API (for Complete.com) to grab traffic information for a particular site.

With the exception of a link from the homepage, which is apparently in the works, Compete has made good on the points I raised so it's time for me to fulfil my part of the deal and release a PHP5 wrapper for the compete API.

The wrapper is simple at this point, only containing only a few methods to make the connection with Complete.com, generate the query and pull out one of three bits of information (including the traffic).

tagged: php5 wrapper completecom website traffic api php5 wrapper completecom website traffic api


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