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Evert Pot's Blog:
basename() is locale-aware
Mar 30, 2010 @ 17:04:35

Evert Pot found out an interesting thing about the basename function in PHP - it's more than just a handy shortcut for paths, it's also locale aware.

It turns out basename does a bit more than just splicing the string at the last slash, because it's locale aware. In my case I was dealing with a multi-byte UTF-8 string. It took me quite some time figuring out what was going on, because I was testing from the console which had the en_US.UTF-8 locale, and the bug was appearing on Apache, which defaults to the C locale.

He includes an example snippet of code showing how it can work with both the default (well, for Apache anyway) of the "C" locale versus the "UTF-8" locale and return different results for the same urldecoded information.

tagged: basename locale utf8 urldecode


Dave Dash's Blog:
Fixing Broken PATH_INFO
Jan 24, 2008 @ 16:21:00

Dave Dash has posted about a method he developed, using a custom prepend file, to correctly obtain the PATH_INFO information for his server.

symfony and other applications rely on the server's PATH_INFO being set properly. Unfortunately, I use a nonstandard server that doesn't natively support CGI [...] but I can't figure out how to do a urldecode in my configuration.

To get around the issue, he created a file he prepended to each request (via auto_prepend_file) that took the value and urldecoded it to put it in another $_SERVER value.

tagged: pathinfo broken fix autoprependfile urldecode


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