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Dave Dash's Blog:
Fixing Broken PATH_INFO
Jan 24, 2008 @ 16:21:00

Dave Dash has posted about a method he developed, using a custom prepend file, to correctly obtain the PATH_INFO information for his server.

symfony and other applications rely on the server's PATH_INFO being set properly. Unfortunately, I use a nonstandard server that doesn't natively support CGI [...] but I can't figure out how to do a urldecode in my configuration.

To get around the issue, he created a file he prepended to each request (via auto_prepend_file) that took the value and urldecoded it to put it in another $_SERVER value.

tagged: pathinfo broken fix autoprependfile urldecode


Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
My first patch to PHP
Jul 20, 2006 @ 01:00:38

Tobias Schlitt mentions today in his latest post about his first patch to PHP, an update to the pathinfo function's code being commited.

Hehe, some might say, that those 10 lines of C code are not even worth calling it a patch. Especially, since it was mostly copy and paste work and since Christian Schneider also adviced me for some improvement. Anyway, Marcus just commited my enhancement to pathinfo(), which adds a new field "filename" to the returned array of path elements.

His patch adds a much needed output parameter to the pathinfo function's results - filename. He talks briefly about the process of making the change and how long it took him on the first shot (2 hours), but now his hard work has paid off. The update will be a part of PHP 5.2.

tagged: patch first pathinfo filename output parameter patch first pathinfo filename output parameter


Tobias Schlitt's Blog:
My first patch to PHP
Jul 20, 2006 @ 01:00:38

Tobias Schlitt mentions today in his latest post about his first patch to PHP, an update to the pathinfo function's code being commited.

Hehe, some might say, that those 10 lines of C code are not even worth calling it a patch. Especially, since it was mostly copy and paste work and since Christian Schneider also adviced me for some improvement. Anyway, Marcus just commited my enhancement to pathinfo(), which adds a new field "filename" to the returned array of path elements.

His patch adds a much needed output parameter to the pathinfo function's results - filename. He talks briefly about the process of making the change and how long it took him on the first shot (2 hours), but now his hard work has paid off. The update will be a part of PHP 5.2.

tagged: patch first pathinfo filename output parameter patch first pathinfo filename output parameter


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