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Series of free online seminars on PHP
Sep 26, 2008 @ 17:18:05

Zend has issued a press release about a new series of online training classes they will be offering.

Zend Technologies, The PHP Company, continues its series of free online seminars started in early 2007.The so-called "Webinars" are aimed at anyone interested in PHP - web developers, consultants, project managers and technical decision makers. Topics include PHP as well as specific solutions and the tools Zend offers for enterprise-use of this programming language.

You can get more information on the events from the Zend website but here's a few to give you an idea: "Zend Cargo and Present: Using PHP to Build a Mobile Internet Platform", "Get Rich Quick: Building Ajax-based RIAS with Zend Framework and Appcelerator" and "i5 - Application Lifecycle Management for the Enterprise".

All of the webinars are free and, if you miss a session and you want to catch up, you can always download it from their archive.

tagged: seminar online webinary mobile systemi ajax appcelerator


Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
ZF+Dojo Webinar
Sep 01, 2008 @ 14:43:55

On his blog today Matthew Weier O'Phinney has pointed out a webinar that he'll be giving (for Zend) on the recent popular introduction into the Zend Framework - the Zend Framework and Dojo.

I'm particularly excited about this webinar, as I've been developing a sample pastebin application to show off a number of features; the webinar will feature some screencasts showing the new code in action, and promises to be much more dynamic than my typical "bullet point and code" presentations.

Be sure to register before hand to get your spot in what will undoubtedly be a popular event.

tagged: zendframework webinary dojo integrate example


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