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Matt Stauffer:
Enterprise Laravel Help Me: White-Labeled Clothing Stores
Jun 27, 2018 @ 16:04:46

Matt Stauffer has posted the second article in his "Enterprise Laravel" series to his site. In part one he started with a practical approach to seeing how large the codebase is (counting lines). In this new post he takes an example situation (gathered from conversations with other developers) and shows how Laravel can fit its "enterprise" level needs.

Recently, I grew tired of hearing people say, "Laravel is fine for small apps, but when you are working in the Enterprise..." You can almost hear the capital E in enterprise, like they're talking about the starship.

I've spent the last few months trying to gather information about what makes people say this, and also stories of folks who are already successfully working with Laravel in enterprise context. I put out a <a href="https://enterpriselaravel.com/success-stories-survey>survey to collect stories, and wrote and delivered a talk (which I hope to give again soon) titled "Laravel and the Enterprise."

The idea, stemming from a submission via his "help me" form, is an application that lets customers create their own white-label storefronts for clothing. He starts with the submission itself and the issues it points out including:

  • the load caused by adding a new tenant (requires more servers)
  • a messy codebase
  • a more "monolithic" approach as it evolved away from simple CRUD

He then goes through each of the (five) points made and his responses trying to help mitigate the issue. Some of them come with more technical recommendations but for others the answer is more about documentation and processes.

tagged: enterprise laravel whitelabel clothing helpme advice application

Link: https://mattstauffer.com/blog/enterprise-laravel-help-me-white-labeled-clothing-stores/

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