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Richard Thomas:
Solar Gets Firephp Support & a Base Controller Tip
Oct 15, 2008 @ 12:56:14

Richard Thomas has two new Solar framework posts added to his PHPJack blog - one talking about the new Firephp support integrated into the framework (similar to other frameworks) and a tip he's come across so far in using the framework.

In talking about the Firephp support:

There has been a flurry of work around Firebug recently including announcements that Zend Framework and Symfony both now have Firebug logging support through the use of the Firephp. As of this weekend Solar can be added to the list with its own support.

A quick example is included.

In the second post he looks at a simpler way to share information between all of your controllers without code duplication - adding it to the constructor of the Base controller your application is built on.

tagged: base controller solar framework firephp support tutorial


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