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Pierre-Alain Joye's Blog:
PHP 5.2.7RC3 Released (Go test!)
Nov 10, 2008 @ 17:13:18

Pierre-Alain Joye has pointed out that the latest release candidate of the PHP 5.2.x series (5.2.7RC3) has been posted for download.

PHP 5.2.7RC3 has been released. It is likely to be the last RC and the final release is planed for Thursday next week. Please test it and report any issue you may found. The sources can be fetched here and the binaries in the windows site.

He also mentions a milestone for the PHP project - releasing the Windows builds at the same time as the normal source builds. Check out on the php.internals list for more information.

tagged: php5 release candidate test windows build binary


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