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Sameer Borate's Blog:
Selenium IDE Tutorial - Part 2
Nov 24, 2008 @ 14:47:11

Sameer Borate has part two of his look at using the Selenium IDE in testing PHP applications.

In part 1 of this tutorial you have seen how to write a simple web test using Selenium. In this part we will see how to use the test generated using the IDE with Selenium RC and PHPUnit. In this part we will use Delicious as our test target. I’ve already created a small Selenium test that you can use. You can download the HTML source from here.

This second part walks you through a test on the del.icio.us website and, upon searching for the term "selenium", checks to see that the number of results are greater than 33,000 via a PHPUnit test.

tagged: selenium ide phpunit ide tutorial delicious search results


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