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Kris Jordan's Blog:
Towards RESTful PHP - 5 Basic Tips
Dec 10, 2008 @ 18:08:27

Kris Jordan recently posted five tips to help you get a "more correct" REST interface in your application.

As we entered a programmable web of applications with APIs the decision to ignore HTTP gave us problems we're still dealing with today. We have an internet full of applications with different interfaces (GET /user/1/delete vs. POST /user/delete {id=1}). With REST we can say /user/1 is a resource and use the HTTP DELETE verb to delete it.

Here's the five (six?) tips:

  • Using PUT and DELETE methods
  • Send Custom HTTP/1.1 Headers
  • Send Meaningful HTTP Headers
  • Don't Use $_SESSION
  • Test with cURL or rest-client
  • Use a RESTful PHP Framework
tagged: restful rest tip put delete custom header session curl framework


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