In this new post to his KillerPHP blog Stefan Mischook voices his opinion on why he thinks PHP is the "King of the Web" (and wonders what happened to Ruby on Rails).
In 2006 I created because I wanted to make it easy for web designers to learn PHP. I thought PHP was THE predominate web programming language and I felt every web designer should include PHP as one of their core coding skills [...] Then Ruby came along...for a short while.
He looks back at the time when Rails was "the best thing since sliced bread" and was taking the web world by storm. Other Ruby frameworks have come along and are taking the lead (like a merge of Merb and Rails). So, what does Stefan think the problem was with RoR's climb to fame and popularity? The crucial pieces that were missing (libraries, functionality, etc) and its poor resource handling that could lead to some big problems with certain kinds of applications.
There's lots of great comments from both PHP and RoR-ers alike, so be sure to gives those a look too!