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Vid Luther's Blog:
Deploying Wordpress with Phing to the Rackspace Cloud
Feb 16, 2010 @ 16:41:21

Vid Luther has a recent post over on his blog today about using Phing to deploy WordPress to the cloud, more specifically to the Rackspace Cloud Sites.

My last post about Wordpress and Capistrano made people ask why wasn't I using Phing, and staying within the PHP ecosystem. The answer was simple, I wanted to learn Ruby, and I wanted to learn Capistrano. The question kept nagging me though, so I decided to find out how easy would it be to duplicate this in PHP.

He lists some of his requirements (as laid out in his Capistrano build) like made over a secure connection and can work with the Rackspace Cloud Sites. He came up against a few issues - some dealing with the platform, another about the tools installed - but besides that, things got working quickly. He includes the XML configuration file he used for Phing to get it all working happily.

tagged: cloud rackspace phing deploy tutorial wordpress


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