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Prescot Linux Blog:
Finding the Right PHP Developer
Jun 21, 2010 @ 16:01:35

From the Prescot Linux blog today there's a new post with some advice on hiring a good PHP developer for you or your company.

There are a good number of programming platforms and languages that developers use today to provide businesses and consumers the right web applications to help them with their requirements. PHP is one such programming language that has gained a huge popularity over time, and that too quite rightfully. [...] However there are a number of factors that you must consider while looking to hire PHP programmers for your web development requirements.

Tips included in their list for things to look for in developers include:

  • Make sure you work with an individual PHP developer or business that has the right skills and experience, and are in constant touch with PHP development projects.
  • Communication is of the utmost importance. You should be able to deal with the PHP developers efficiently using a project management tool and contact them easily as and when required
  • [They can offer] you the right services related to web integration and maintenance, as well as further development
  • [They will offer] you the most competitive price plans with the maximum reliability
tagged: hiring developer advice opinion tips


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