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Web Builder Zone:
Real-life closures examples...for real
Dec 17, 2010 @ 14:19:07

On the Web Builder Zone (from DZone.com) Giorgio Sironi has a new post about closures with some real life examples...no really, real ones.

I wrote an article long time ago about array_map(), array_filter(), and they are very handy in some cases, but I discovered there is a catch: they do their best when you already have a defined function to pass them. [...] So here's my real real-life example for closures: in my opinion, they are not meant for substituting foreach(), but for example to pass a curried callback method around (an implementation of the Command pattern).

His implementation uses the Command design pattern to create both Car and Truck objects that can use the Pump object for their tirePressure.

tagged: closure tutorial example command designpattern


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