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Quick Tip: Email Error Logs with PHP
Jan 04, 2011 @ 14:58:45

In this quick tip from NetTuts.com today they show you how to set up custom error logging for your PHP application with the help of the set_error_handler function.

In today’s video quick tip, we’ll review the process of setting custom error handlers with PHP. Along the way, we’ll also learn how to log and email those potential errors to ourselves. That way, even when your web application has been deployed, you’ll be the first to know when an error is encountered.

They make a custom handler, nettuts_error_handler, that takes in the error information and translates it into an error message that's emailed to an admin of the site. It also checks the error reporting level to see if it needs to display the error back to the user or not. This helpful hint is part of a screencast, but they've provided the code separately to make it easier to work with.

tagged: error log email custom seterrorhandler


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