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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
Smarter DB Migrations using Zend Framework and Doctrine 1.2
Jan 20, 2011 @ 16:11:39

Chris Hartjes, after finally figuring out an issue with database migrations with Doctrine on a Zend Framework application, has posted about the process to his blog today. As he notes:

This posting is a lesson on the value of actually looking at the source code of a third-party library when you are trying to figure something out...

His problem wasn't with the features of Doctrine and how easy it made to automate things in his environments (continuous integration). His issue was that Doctrine wanted to run all of the migrations every time it was executed. Upon closer inspection, he found the key - a migration_version table in his database that held current migration information. He includes a simple Zend Framework-based script he's now using get the latest value from that table and execute only the migrations after that. The migrations are executed in order - he recommends using a timestamp or formatted date on the filename to set the order.

tagged: zendframework migration doctrine tutorial version


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