Popular posts from PHPDeveloper.org for the past week:
- Kenny Meyers' Blog: How CodeIgniter Works (Video from EECI 2010)
- Community News: IPC10 – PHP: Yesterdays Scala and the Cobol of tomorrow? (video)
- Victor Farazdagi's Blog: New Project: Phrozn - static site generator in PHP
- WebTutor.pl: HipHop for PHP: Benchmark - Revenge of PHP
- DZone.com: What I Love/Hate About PHP
- Site News: Popular Posts for the Week of 04.15.2011
- Project: Guzzle - RESTful web service client development framework
- Zend Developer Zone: Book Report: Easy PHP Websites with the Zend Framework
- Thijs Lensselink's Blog: VIM for a PHP Developer
- Robert Basic's Blog: A hack for Zend Framework’s translated route segments