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Victor Farazdagi's Blog:
New Project: Phrozn - static site generator in PHP
Apr 15, 2011 @ 16:02:03

On his blog today Victor Farazdagi introduces a new tool he's developed to help make the creation of static sites even easier - Phrozn, a static site generator that takes content and wraps it in a site's template and structure and outputs it for easy integration.

Given the scale of how client-side technologies (such as JavaScript) evolved, most of dynamic functionality can be implemented using client-side scripts + remote web-services (e.g. Disqus for comments). More than often we a going down that road even on our completely dynamic sites - it makes things more simple.

He gives the example of being able to write the content in VIM and run a single application - Phrozn - and generate the new page to add to the site. He sees it as a good alternative to something like WordPress where most people only use 1% of the functionality it offers. You can find out more about the project by looking into its documentation or you can just dive into the code by grabbing it from github. As a side note, several other tools, like Jekyll are "blog aware" and can be used similarly.

tagged: static site generator phrozn blog project github documentation


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