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Rob Allen's Blog:
Exploring Zend_Paginator
May 04, 2011 @ 16:26:57

Rob Allen has a new post today exploring Zend_Paginator and some of the features it has to offer.

One area of displaying lists on web pages that I've generally disliked doing is pagination as it's a bit of a faff. Recently, I needed to do just this though as I couldn't delegate it as my colleague was too busy on other work. As a result, I thought that I should look into Zend_Paginator this time. Turns out that it's really easy to use and the documentation is great too.

He includes some sample code to set up the paginator (for his example it uses a data mapper) and push the results from the database into the Zend_Paginator object. He shows how to use the paginator to work through the results, pulling a page number from the URL. Finally, he shows the HTML to include the pagination links into your page.

tagged: zendframework zendpaginator tutorial example


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