With all of the frameworks making their way around the PHP community, it's interesting to see different developers' takes on judging which is the best for their needs. In this new post to his blog Volker Dusch takes the opposite stance - he hates talking about frameworks.
I just hate talking about frameworks! But as it seems not many people share that feeling so this is an attempt to write a rather short and linkable post on how i approach a new framework and by what standards i judge it. [...] I’m not going to call any names in this post so no need to grab your pitchforks. (For some reason people seem to get really upset when you tell them you don’t like the framework the use)
He asks himself a few questions like "can I still write code to my standards" and "how many 'positive adjectives' are used in the description" (inversely related to the quality of the project in his experience). He also talks about one of his other big requirements - being able to actually write unit tests for his code (i.e. the framework must make things testable).