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Mike Purcell's Blog:
Symfony - PHP - Possibly Forking 1.x so Invested Companies don’t Lose Millions
Jul 01, 2011 @ 16:05:45

Mike Purcell has a recent post to his blog looking at the rumors of a Symfony 1.x fork and some of his own thoughts on the matter.

It’s amazing that we are even having this type of discussion. We opted to use Symfony back in 0.x for some high traffic projects. [...] And now here we are on 1.4. Content and happy with the throughput the dev team is able to maintain. But now Symonfy says that 2.0 will be released and is completely different than 1.x? How is that fair to the companies, individuals, and hobbyists who have sunk time over the last four years ramping up to a point where we can take advantage of RAD (rapid app development) approach that Symfony provides?

He wonders if this same discussion will be being had years down the line when Symfony3 decides to come up on the horizon. Will there be such a major change in the architecture that developers, only a few years earlier making the major change to to Symfony2, will get burnt again?

tagged: symfony1 symfony2 upgrade opinion fork development


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