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Philip Olson's Blog:
One way PHP may capitalize on its popularity
Jul 22, 2011 @ 13:05:46

Philip Olson has a (tongue-in-cheek) post to his blog today about how PHP can make the most of its popularity financially.

Today Rasmus mentioned that he received a $500 offer for the php.net domain name. Discussion ensued, which ultimately led to the indisputable belief that php.net is worth over 10 million US dollars. Therefore, let’s think about this further...

He compares the worth of several popular languages (with a "reliable source") and does some math where PHP.net account holders would profit from the popularity over other languages. On a bit more serious note, though, he points out a few ways that you can contribute or get involved in the PHP project on several fronts:

tagged: popularity capitalize opinion contribute project mailinglist documentation


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