New from today there's a tutorial for those using the CodeIgniter framework for their application. It shows how to upload files with Ajax and a simple form (with jQuery and AjaxFileUpload).
Uploading files asnychronously can be a pain at the best of times, but when coupled with CodeIgniter, it can be a particularly frustrating experience. I finally found a way that not only works consistently, but keeps to the MVC pattern.
They help you create a database table to store the file information in (filename and title), make the controller to handle the request and build the view (with the form). Also included is the javascript you'll need to get the AjaxFileUpload script working for your file upload field. They extend the controller to handle the file upload and make a model to handle the upload and fetching of file information. The tutorial is finished off with a simple "delete" action to remove any file that's been uploaded.