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Add values to a symfony form in between save() and serialization to the database
Oct 05, 2012 @ 13:55:12

Kim Rowan has recently posted this helpful hint to the PHPWomen.org site concerning the addition of values between save/serialization in Symfony (1.4) forms.

OK, I have a Comment model and I want to relate Comment objects to several other different model types. So, I need to be able to persist Comment objects in my database that relate to the author of the comment and one of a handful of other tables, for example, a blog post or a licence record, etc.

She includes the contents of her "schema.yml" definition and the code to create and display a basic form. Inside of her "executeCreate", the form's submission is handled and a "processForm" method is called and the overridden "updateObject " is used to inject the new data (a user ID) into the submission.

tagged: symfony form tutorial override save object inject data


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