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Rob Allen:
ZendServiceManager configuration keys
Nov 12, 2012 @ 17:09:47

Rob Allen has a new post to his site sharing some examples of the configuration possibilities for the ZendServiceManager module of the Zend Framework 2.

ZendServiceManager is usually configured in two places: an array in a config file or a method within your Module class. In either case, you provide a nested array of configuration information. [...] Within the service_manager array, there are a set of nested arrays which are generally used to configure how you want a given class to be instantiated. the names of these sub-arrays are hardcoded, so you just need to learn their names and the difference between them.

He lists out each of the options and includes a brief example and description for each. Values include "invokables", "aliases" and "initializers". He also touches on controllers, view helpers and controller plugins and how they hook into the ServiceManager.

tagged: zendframework servicemanager module configuration setting


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