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Matthias Noback:
Experiences with PHP Open Source Software in a Symfony-Friendly Environment
Nov 14, 2012 @ 17:24:19

Matthias Noback has a new post today sharing some of his experiences working with Open Source software, specifically as it relates to this dealings with a "Symfony-friendly environment".

These days, good PHP object-oriented libraries are all around and easily available. To me, it is actually thrilling to be part of this flourishing community, while working with Symfony2 and blogging about the Framework, the Components and their neighbors (like Silex). [...] Still, to me, contributing felt like too big a step to take right now. Until a few weeks ago, when I was looking for something I needed (a PHP client for the Microsoft Translator API) and could not find a decent solution. I decided to make it myself, and share it online.

He shares his "checklist" of steps he followed to get the library up and working (less about the library and more about the process):

  • Write the code
  • Initialize a Git repository
  • Add a composer.json file
  • Add unit tests
  • Make it open source and developer friendly
  • Push your code to GitHub
  • Register your project at packagist.org
  • Register the Packagist Service Hook
  • Versioning
  • Continuous integration using Travis CI

He also suggests that, at least at the outset, you skip some of your tests that might rely on external data sources/resources (so the build can start as green on Travis) then coming back and refactoring to mock things out correctly. It might look like an intimidating list for a beginner, but it's a great process to follow to have a robust, effective development/deployment process.

tagged: opensource software process checklist github composer unittest travisci packagist


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