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Evert Pot:
PHP 5.5.0 released!
Jun 21, 2013 @ 17:49:27

With PHP 5.5 just released you might be wondering what improvements came with it (and the one-line descriptions on PHP.net aren't enough). Well, Evert Pot as put together a post talking about some of these features and has included code samples to show them at work.

PHP 5.5 has been released! Quite exciting stuff, and pretty great to see the pace of new releases. Props to the dev team! Hopefully distros pick this version up quickly as well, so we can start making use of these fancy new features.

His list (and sample code) shows off:

  • Generators
  • Immutable DateTime object
  • Lists in foreach
  • Finally keyword
  • Class name resolution
  • Opcode cache is now integrated and enabled by default in PHP
  • Constant dereferencing

You can go download this release right now and try it all out for yourself too!

tagged: release language example feature code

Link: http://evertpot.com/php-55-released

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