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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Building and Processing Forms in Symfony 2
Jun 06, 2014 @ 18:45:07

The SitePoint PHP blog has a new tutorial posted from author Daniel Sipos about form handling in Symfony2. More specifically, about creating them and handling the results from their submission. This is an introduction to the topic and gets into two examples, one focusing on a view implementation and the other using the form builder.

In this tutorial we will look at two examples of using forms in Symfony 2. In the the first, we will place form elements straight in the View file and then handle the form processing manually in the controller. In the second, we’ll use the Symfony form system to declare forms in an object oriented way and have Symfony process and persist the values. We will be working on a simple installation of the Symfony framework.As you may know, it comes with a default bundle called AcmeDemoBundle and we will use that to illustrate working with forms.

In the first example he looks at "non-entity forms" and shows how to create the form from normal HTML elements in the view. The form is just a simple input field and a submit button. He includes the code you'll need to process the form submission too. In the second example he includes an example of how to create the same setup but using the Form Builder instead. It's also links it to a data object, making it simpler to save the submission results.

tagged: symfony2 form processing view builder entity manager tutorial

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/building-processing-forms-in-symfony-2

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