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Form Validation in Symfony 2
Jun 12, 2014 @ 15:15:29

NetTuts.com has continued their screencast series introducing the Symfony 2 framework and some of the basic concepts around things like routing, templating and controllers. In this latest post they build on a previous post and show how to use the form validation already built into the framework in some custom forms.

Today we're going to continue where we left off last time, where we learned how to build reusable forms in Symfony 2. In this video, we'll learn how to validate the data that has been submitted to our form to ensure it is in the correct format, meets our data's requirements and then process the form submission accordingly. [Once finished we'll] now have a working form, which validates our data and displays the validation error messages back to the user.

The screencast (also viewable on YouTube) is only about ten minutes long and shows you how to validate a form with an email address and that the other field is "not blank". He does base it off of the form created in the previous tutorial so if you haven't done that one yet, it's better to start there and come back.

tagged: form validation screencast symfony2 tutorial series

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/form-validation-in-symfony-2--cms-21397

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