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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Check Your Code’s Quality with SensioLabs Insight
Aug 07, 2014 @ 17:25:20

On the SitePoint PHP blog today there's a new post by Peter Nijssen introducing you to the SensioLabs Insight service and how it can improve your code quality (including locating security concerns).

The quality of your code is as important as testing your application. Recently, we have seen multiple articles which hopefully helped you on your way to providing a more stable application. Today, we are going to have a closer look at SensioLabs Insight. If you used Symfony or Silex in the past, you are probably familiar with SensioLabs, since they are the main sponsor of the Symfony framework.

He quickly introduces the service, mentioning what it has to offer and how to get your account all set up (free for open source libraries but it requires the results to be public). He includes some screenshots showing what the setup and scan results of your project might look like. He shows how to get more detail on the findings and how they can easily be exported to your bug tracker for fixing. He also covers some of the configuration you can do (through a YAML file) to tell Insight things like: php.ini settings, directories to exclude and specific rules to run during the scans.

tagged: sensiolabs insight introduction service scan code quality

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/check-codes-quality-sensiolabs-insight/

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