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April 2015 Issue Released - Front-End Polish
Apr 14, 2015 @ 16:05:47

php[architect] magazine has officially released their April 2015 edition - "Front-End Polish".

It’s safe to say that a majority of PHP programmers prefer working on “back end” code. Many interesting problems live in that domain. But we can’t forget that the front end—usually HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—is where users will interact with our applications. The joy or frustration they experience trying to get a task done affects their perception of how good (or poor) your solution is for a long time. Even if you don’t want to be a front end designer or developer, you must be familiar with User Experience and the technologies used in the user interface (UI) to understand how people will use it, to help reduce sources of frustration, and to prevent errors.

Articles in this month's issue include:

  • Object Oriented JavaScript (Part the Second)
  • The Browser Capabilities Project in 2014
  • UX Without the Process
  • PHP Conference Newbies 101

Head over to the php[architect] website to pick up a (print or digital) copy of your own!

tagged: phparchitect magazine april2015 frontend issue release

Link: http://www.phparch.com/magazine/2015-2/april/

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