On the SitePoint PHP blog today editor Bruno Skvorc shows you how to deploy your PHP applications with Dploy.io, a service that aims to make deploying and hosting your applications simpler.
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to deploy a PHP application with Dploy, a tool that’s free (and full-featured) for a single application, which makes for a perfect test case on whether or not it’s worth paying for. Before continuing, go ahead and sign up for a free account. Specifically, we’ll deploy a simple app I made on DigitalOcean.
He helps you get a Digital Ocean droplet set up with the necessary requirements, the software you'll need to install and the configuration changes to make. He then moves over to Dploy and shows how to set up a basic configuration through their web control panel. This includes the environment, deployment mode and the branch of the repository to pull from. He also includes instructions for setting the correct permissions on the system and how to start the deployment. He shows screenshots of the resulting status update and how to check to be sure everything's working as expected. He ends the post with a quick look at making deployments following this via the special "[deploy]" tag in the commit message.