The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted a special episode of their "It's the Booze Talking" series with a show of podcasters talking about podcasting. Besides host Cal Evans the episode also features other podcast hosts Sammy Powers (PHP Roundtable), Matt Stauffer (5 Minute Geek Show/Laravel Podcast), Chris Hartjes (DevHell), Ben Edmunds (PHP Town Hall), Kayla Daniels (No Capes), Beau Simensen (That Podcast) and NinjaGirl (#ossart).
They talk about why they started their podcasts and what they want their show to be for their listening audience. They also go around and mention who they think their target audience is (or if there is a target), how they present their content to match and some of the feedback they get. Cal also asks some of the "how" involved in creating their shows and sharing them with their listeners. Finally they talk about some of their own "horror stories" they've had during the production of their show.
You can listen to this latest episode either through the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3. If you enjoy the show and want to hear more from members of the PHP community, be sure to subscribe to their feed too!