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Joe Ferguson:
Adding Homestead to a SlimPHP App
Mar 22, 2016 @ 16:26:09

Joe Ferguson has a quick post to his site today showing you how to use a Homestead VM to run a Slim 3 application with just a few quick commands.

I’ve been a fan of SlimPHP for a really long time. Recently I started using it for a site that I do freelancing development for and wanted to share a quick solution to local development. It’s no secret that I love Laravel’s Homestead vagrant environment. Using the per-project installation method, you are only three commands away from running a SlimPHP skeleton application in a local Homestead VM.

The remainder of the post shows the commands to:

  • create a new Slim application based on the Skeleton
  • Setting up Homestead
  • And creating a new instance to host the Slim application

With a quick vagrant up your virtual machine is ready to go with the application ready to run.

tagged: homestead virtualmachine slim3 slimframework tutorial install composer

Link: https://www.joeferguson.me/adding-homestead-to-a-slimphp-app/

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