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Jordi Boggiano:
Composer goes Gold
Apr 05, 2016 @ 18:08:39

Jordi Boggiano has posted some excellent news for all of the Composer users out there - the widely popular dependency management tool has officially "gone gold" and has tagged the stable v1.0.0 version of the tool.

Five years ago today, Composer was born. In some ways it feels like yesterday, at least it doesn't feel like five years went by. In other ways it seems like a lifetime ago, and I can barely remember what it was like to write PHP code without having a whole ecosystem at my fingertips.

Jordi talks about one big change that happened recently around the "self-update" feature of the tool. He hopes that more people will use the preview or snapshot channels in their deploys/development so he can get more information about these other options before they get to stable. Finally, to mark the occasion Jordi has put a "gold" copy (on floppy disk none the less) up for sale on eBay to commemorate the release.

tagged: composer v1 stable release gold commemorate gold disk ebay

Link: https://seld.be/notes/composer-goes-gold

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