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Freek van der Herten:
Dropbox will turn off v1 of their API soon. It’s time to update your PHP appli
Apr 24, 2017 @ 15:12:59

Freek van der Herten has a new post with both a reminder and a solution to an upcoming change from the Dropbox service: the disabling of their v1 API (and a PHP package you can use to be prepared).

Last year on 28th of June Dropbox deprecated v1 of their API. On the same date this year they will turn off all v1 endpoints. If you’re using using Flysystem, Laravel or the official PHP SDK to work with Dropbox, it’s the time to update.

Last week my company released a Dropbox API client and a Flysystem Dropbox adapter that both use v2 of the dropbox API. In this blogpost I’d like to explain how to install and use these packages.

He then shows you how to update your Flysystem adapters to use this new adapter for Dropbox - basically a simple code change once the package is installed. He then moves on to updating a Laravel application, configuring it's built-in file abstraction with the new adapter via a DropboxServiceProvider. The post ends with a bit talking about the update of other types of PHP applications (not using Flysystem) that could make use of other packages to make the required updates.

tagged: dropbox v1 adapter flysystem laravel tutorial update package

Link: https://murze.be/2017/04/dropbox-will-turn-off-v1-of-their-api-soon-its-time-to-update-your-php-application/

Jordi Boggiano:
Composer goes Gold
Apr 05, 2016 @ 18:08:39

Jordi Boggiano has posted some excellent news for all of the Composer users out there - the widely popular dependency management tool has officially "gone gold" and has tagged the stable v1.0.0 version of the tool.

Five years ago today, Composer was born. In some ways it feels like yesterday, at least it doesn't feel like five years went by. In other ways it seems like a lifetime ago, and I can barely remember what it was like to write PHP code without having a whole ecosystem at my fingertips.

Jordi talks about one big change that happened recently around the "self-update" feature of the tool. He hopes that more people will use the preview or snapshot channels in their deploys/development so he can get more information about these other options before they get to stable. Finally, to mark the occasion Jordi has put a "gold" copy (on floppy disk none the less) up for sale on eBay to commemorate the release.

tagged: composer v1 stable release gold commemorate gold disk ebay

Link: https://seld.be/notes/composer-goes-gold

Fabien Potencier:
PHP CS Fixer finally reaches version 1.0
Nov 13, 2014 @ 15:34:34

Fabien Potencier has a new post to his site talking about a milestone for the PHP-CS Fixer tool (used to fix code to be compliant to the PSR-1 & PSR-2 standards) - a full, stable 1.0 release.

A few years ago, I wrote a small script to automatically fix some common coding standard mistakes people made in Symfony pull requests. It was after I got bored about all the comments people made on pull requests to ask contributors to fix their coding standards. [...] After a while, I decided to Open-Source the tool, like I do with almost all the code I write. [...] To my surprise, people started to use it on their own code, found bugs, found edge cases, added more fixers, and soon enough, we all realise that using regular expressions for such things is doomed to fail.

In recent months the tool has undergone a rewrite to work with the tokens instead of regular expressions (lead by Dariusz Ruminski) and the 1.0 release of this updated version has been made:

After 13,000 additions and 5,000 deletions, I'm very proud to announce version 1.0 of PHP-CS-Fixer; it is smarter, it is more robust, and it has more fixers. Any downsides? Yes, speed; the tool is much slower, but it is worth it and enabling the new cache layer helps a lot.
tagged: phpcs fixer tool release stable v1 fabienpotencier dariuszruminski psr2 psr1

Link: http://fabien.potencier.org/article/76/php-cs-fixer-finally-reaches-version-1-0

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