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Robert Basic:
Current Vim setup for PHP development
Feb 10, 2017 @ 17:46:10

For those out there always interested in how other developers have their development environment, Robert Basic has some info on his own setup that might interest you. In this new post to his site he shares his configuration using the Vim editor when writing PHP code.

I made some changes to my Vim setup for PHP development recently, so it’s time to write it all down. I’m more than sure that I’ll break it soon and won’t be able to remember all the things I did to have the current setup.

Some new plugins popped up on my radar, I tweaked some older plugins and I even wrote one for PHPStan!

He starts with the improvements in tag support he's found recently using the Gutentags plugin. He also covers other tools and functionality like:

  • Jump to definition
  • (Getting the ) current PHP class and method
  • PHP namespaces
  • Linting
  • A promising completion engine for PHP
  • PHPStan in Vim
  • Debugging

He finishes up the post with a few other helpful supporting plugins for indenting, searching and argument swapping.

tagged: vim editor setup development plugin programming

Link: https://robertbasic.com/blog/current-vim-setup-for-php-development/

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