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Jason McCreary:
Lumen is dead. Long live Lumen.
Feb 28, 2017 @ 21:17:59

In a new post to his site Jason McCreary offers some of his opinions around why he thinks Lumen is dying. Lumen is a micro-framework from the creators of Laravel offered as an alternative to the full-on Laravel framework.

You’ve already read the title, so I’ll just say it, I think Lumen is dying, if not already dead. Now let me tell you why…

Jason (creator of Laravel Shift) shares some of his own statistics around Laravel versus Lumen "shifts" and some graphs that help to support the theory. He suggests that part of the issue is that there's less focus on a wider, more general use of the tool and how he suspects that the Lumen feature set will continue to lessen. He ends on a more positive note, though, suggesting that Lumen as it stands may not exist in the future but may live on integrated into the Laravel framework.

tagged: lumen project laravel dead opinion

Link: https://jason.pureconcepts.net/2017/02/lumen-is-dead-long-live-lumen/

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