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Laravel News:
Generate a JSON Feed with Laravel
May 24, 2017 @ 15:49:46

In a new tutorial posted to the Laravel News site Eric Barnes shows you how to easily create JSON feed output from the data in a Laravel application. JSON feed is a new standard that's been defined to try to bring more structure to JSON responses for feeds, following in the tradition of RSS feed structure.

JSON Feed is a new standard to formalize a JSON based RSS feed that aims to simplify creating feeds by doing away with the XML standard. Implementing a feed for your site is simple, and the spec is surprisingly clear.

[...] I just implemented this feed format for Laravel News, and you can find the results here. As a quick example let’s go through setting up a feed like this.

He then walks you through the code required to create the feed, sharing a listing of posts (the latest 20) from the Laravel News site. He then defines the main feed data, adds in each of the posts to the "items" set and returns the resulting array for translation into JSON output.

tagged: jsonfeed standard laravel tutorial output json feed

Link: https://laravel-news.com/generate-a-json-feed-with-laravel

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